The whole question of whether there is going to be a pre-trib rapture or a post-trib rapture is, of course, a question of timing. Not whether there will be a rapture {a "catching up" of God's people}, but when this "taking up" of God's people will be. If the Holy Scriptures declare the timing of the "catching up" of God's people, which is commonly called the "rapture," then all other theological bordering doctrines must flow into a harmony with this fact that the Bible reveals.
Again, I'd like to repeat what you all know, that the word "rapture" is not in the Bible, yet they say that nether is the word trinity. Continually the Resurrection is the emphasis in the Bible. The "transformation" of the Living in Christ is an aspect of the Resurrection. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.
Many must go to some lengths to fit this square peg into a round hole. They do this by saying that the Latin translation of the Bible contains the word "caught-up" which in Latin is raptura where we get our English word rapture which means: exaltation, elation, exhilaration, thrill, [slang] rush, ... yet throughout the Bible, the doctrines that are central are always: the Resurrection, translation, to be changed, transformed,... In Heb.11.5 ...
The Greek sheds some light on our end-time study. Strongs Concordance shows different Greek words are used for the words that are in the K.J.V. as "quick, quicken, quickenth, quickening". Here are the references for Quick- Strong's # 2198 Acts 10.42, 2 Timothy 4.1, Hebrews 4.12 and 1 Peter 4.5 . For Quicken, Quickenth, and Quickening - # 2227 at Romans 8.11, 1 Peter 3.18, John 5.21, John 6.63, Romans 4.17, 1 Timothy 6.13,14; 1 Cor. 15.45, and 1 Cor.15.36. In most translations these Greek words are rendered "living, made alive, gives life. What I'd like you to keep in mind is that in these key verses "quicken" means to make alive those already physically alive, which is obvious from the context and usage! David said in Psalms "Thy word has Quickened me O Lord" making king David spiritually alive while he was already physically alive! And in some of the passages that this Greek word [ Quick, Quicken, etc.] is used, the context seems to shout TRANSLATED, TRANSFORMED, RAPTURED!!!
This has deep meaning and far-reaching effects in the theological question of timing! In these passages I believe that the K.J.V. has more correctly translated the Greek words, although living, made alive, and give life, are correct.
My point is that if Quicken is understood as translated, made alive [spiritually alive], changed as transformed then the timing of these passages demands that this translating, this transformation, this rapture takes place at the Glorious Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation!!! Please re-read these passages where the words "quick and the dead" quicken your mortal bodies" and all the other verses quoted in this chapter carefully and prayerfully. In this case the K.J.V. has done Christianity a great service by retaining these in the English translation over from the Greek.
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